Dr. Genevieve Lennon is a Senior Lecturer at the School of Law at the University of Strathclyde. Her research focusses on policing and counter-terrorism, in particular issues of governance, including accountability and human rights. Her research combines black-letter legal analysis with empirical studies to determine how law functions in practice. She has participated in a number of Independent Advisory Groups, recommending change to the Scottish government on issues relating to policing. She is an independent member of the Advisory Group to the Scottish Biometrics Commissioner. In addition to police accountability, she has written extensively on police stop and search practices, including as a Working Group co-lead for the pan-European E-COST POLSTOPS project. She was awarded the British Society of Criminology's prize for Best Sole-Authored Article on Policing in 2015. She has also written extensively on counter-terrorism policies, including co-editing the Routledge Handbook of Law and Terrorism.
Researcher link: https://pureportal.strath.ac.uk/en/persons/genevieve-lennon
Lennon, G. 'Zivilgesellschaftliche Polizeikontrolle in Großbritannien' ('Civil Society Policing in the UK') (2022) Bürgerrechte & Polizei/CILIP (NR150) pp.41-50.
Lennon, G., Fyfe. N. R., McNeill, J. & Sampson, F. (2022). Principles for Accountable Policing. The Police Foundation.
Lennon, G. & Murray, K. 'Under-regulated and unaccountable? Explaining variation in stop and search rates in Scotland, England and Wales' (2018) 28(2) Journal of Policing and Society pp.154 -174
Lennon, G. 'Stop and search powers in UK Terrorism Investigations - A Limited Judicial Oversight?' International Journal of Human Rights (2016) 20(5) pp.634-664.
Lennon, G. 'Precautionary tales: suspicionless counter-terrorism stop and search' (2015) 15(1) Criminology and Criminal Justice pp.44-62.